A sharecount button for Facebook with fbShare

Are you see the button on the left side? It is very similar to retweet and digg buttons! Currently, almost everyone has a Facebook account, so along other social networks, Facebook can also be source of quality blogs’ visitors.
Unlike Twitter, Facebook doesn’t give a way to see what’s being shared by users outside one’s network. Now, with fbShare service you can showing the number of times the URL of the current page has actually appeared on Facebook (like the TweetMeme or Digg button) and allows visitors to share it themselves.

  • Displays the number of shares and on hover the total number of clicks for those shares (displays Facebook logo when 0 shares)
  • Large or small button
  • Track the shares from the button using your awe.sm API Key or fbshare.me links
  • Add Google Analytics parameters to fbshare.me links
URI: fbShare – http://widgets.fbshare.me/
License: Free