Colorful Sliders With jQuery & CSS3

15 Unique jQuery Plugins For Everyones Needs

By default, the standard HTML element is pretty much annoying. It’s ugly. Almost project which I’ve done, I was asked to create a form that is far removed from the look of standard browser. It seems there are so many references and guides out there it’s easy to get lost. When it comes to adding JavaScript functionality to a website, jQuery has become the solution of choice for web designers and developers.
The great thing about jQuery is that talented jQuery developers often release new and useful plugins on a regular basis. jQuery plugins are not only easy to implement, but easy to maintain even when used throughout large sites. In this article, we share with you a list of 15 unique and useful jQuery plugins that were released recently that could help you for your next web project. It’s not popular but it’s very useful in projects of a single individual.

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