15+ promising jQuery Lightbox-Clones plugins

Lightbox, and the newer Lightbox 2, is a JavaScript application used to display large images using modal dialogs. On a Lightbox-enabled page, a user can click an image to have it magnified in a Lightbox window, which resizes itself according to the size of the image using a gliding animation. Lightbox determines which images will be shown in the modal window through the XHTML “rel” attribute, which is used on an <a> element wrapped around the <img alt=”” /> element. Lightbox also provides a way to attach captions to images and to run a slide show, which can be navigated using the arrow keys.

Narga v6.5 Redesigned

Happy new year! 2010 and I’m back after website redesigned

I started new design on this in mid October, 2009, the layout changed numerous times in the first couple of weeks before I (mostly) settled on what you see now. Since then though I’ve rewritten the ‘theme’ behind this half a dozen times, still not sure I’m entirely happy with it, but its better than before.

Essential Wordpress Plugins to Improve Security & Protection 1

Essential WordPress Plugins to Improve Security & Protection

Wordpress is getting more and more popular each day, nobody can guarantee that your WordPress installation is 100% secure. Securing your WordPress blog is the most important thing that you must do after you have set it up on your server. There are ways to improve the security of your blog so that it is slightly less vulnerable than it otherwise might be.

Round Social Bookmark Icons 2

Round Social Bookmark Icons

You have been read my Hand-Draw Social Bookmark Icon Sets and Few Awesome Social Bookmark Icons Sets from 2 week ago. As I said, to avoid duplication and too many icon sets in an article, I will be classified according to categories and introduced to you in the upcoming posts. Today, I will let you know about my Rounded Social Bookmarking icon sets collection.

Social Icons Hand Drawn

Hight quality icons – 11 Awesome Hand-Draw Social Bookmark Icons Sets

I have been present you 10 Awesome Social Bookmark Icons Sets that you can use for your blog for bookmarking. It is not the best of by each person feel different. In this article, I continue to introduce to you some very nice Social Bookmark Icons Sets that I feel beautiful. To avoid duplication and too many icon sets in an article, I will be classified according to categories and introduced to you in the upcoming posts.